Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Defying the Laws of Nature

Today I went for a practise run, following the route of the charity run I mentioned previously. It was monumentally difficult, no lie, no exaggeration and I was still following the Couch to 5k system of switching between running and brisk walking.

This alleged 'fun' run is in no way fun, at least not from my amateur perspective.  This is what it felt like:

I kid you not, despite being a circular route, the majority of the run was uphill - how does that even work? And one of those hills is BIG. On reaching the top, whilst trying not to be sick I had to carry on past a certain Year 10 boy who owns a bright orange puffa jacket... For those of you who know who I mean, you know that he is not top of the list of people you'd like to see in that situation! Ideally, I wanted a paramedic with a survival blanket who would hold my hair while I puked.

This was only one of the natural laws that was broken today. Secondly, it didn't matter how many times I turned into a new road, ergo, a new direction,  I was constantly running into the wind. As if this wasn't hard enough already!

I suppose this all serves me right. I made the statement that I could walk the route quicker than 50 minutes. I'm now not so sure... This is how long it took me with a mixture of walking and running (including 5 mins warm up walking and 5 mins cool down)...

Yep. 42 minutes. And I missed out part of the route. And my Nike+ lies about distance, so I didn't even do 5k. (I've checked and the route is 5.16k if you actually do all of it). So if anyone has any brilliant ideas on how I might get slightly less likely to die whilst doing this for real on March 7th, let me know!

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