Monday, 23 June 2014

YALC Readathon: Day 1

With just 18 days, 13 hours and 43 minutes until the UK's first ever Young Adult Lit Con, I am on a MISSION to read books by as many of the author's attending before the big weekend.

So far I've managed 11 books by attending authors, but this week I'm making a concerted effort to reduce my 'to read' list! 

I'm nearly half-way through Fangirl by my new favourite lady, Ms Rainbow Rowell, and on Chapter 22 (of 34) of Sally Gardner's magical, creepy, Hans-Christian-Anderson-inspired Tinder.

I like this readathon... I feel like I'm doing important preparatory work now, and not just skiving off, reading a book!

YALC Readathon is being hosted by 4 prolific bloggers, who are posting special something's each day of the challenge:

Jess at Jess Hearts Bookswho today had a guest post from one of the YALC organisers, Katerine Woodfine;

Carly at Writing From The Tub, who featured a guest post by one of the authors, Beth Reekles;

Vicky at Books, Biscuits, and Tea had a guest post from Marcus Sedgwick, another of the authors that will be appearing;

And Michelle at Fluttering Butterflies wrote a really interesting and exciting post about her top five authors attending YALC. This last post may have altered my highlighted and annotated copy of the YALC schedule, as she's really rated a couple of writers in there that I, at present, know little to nothing about.

Needless to say, I've been reading plenty of authors' twitter-feeds, and am getting well and truly in the mood for what is going to be an AMAZING weekend! Hopefully, I'll be able to get 3, maybe 4 book reviews up this Readathon week - wish me luck!

On that note, I have started a separate blog for bookish things: (there's also links to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Goodreads on the site... Go look!) This is basically my bid to become a professional reader, in readiness for my future career as a highly influential bookseller! I'd really appreciate it if you could read some of the posts, chip in on the comments, follow on other social media and/or share with your friends. Some of you already have, and for that I am very grateful.

I must go now and READ, READ, READ!

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