Tuesday 20 May 2014

One Month On...

Yesterday marked the monthiversary of my #100happy days challenge. Am I happier? Yes.  Is this because of the challenge? To be honest, I don't really think so, but I'm liking taking the photos, and looking forward to my photo album at the end of it.

Some highlights so far have been, in ascending order:

                            New books...                                     New hair...

                            New job...                                          New house... For the boys, at least!

So taking the photos hasn't made me any happier, but on the days where I haven't been to the hairdressers or got a new job, it has made me more conscious of the little things that make me smile. And without sounding too much like an old hippie, I would encourage anyone who's feeling a bit down in the dumps to try and be more mindful of the things that bring them joy, even fleetingly, because it does start to change your outlook on things. I find I am worrying a bit less, especially about things outside of my control, and actually doing more, as I'm actively trying to do more things that make me happy and not just mooching around being a bit 'meh'.

I've been reading more (which was one of my goals when I started this blog), and will try to get some YA reviews posted on here, ahead of me and a friend attending the first EVER Young Adult Literature Convention #yalc. This is doubly if not trebly happy-making as the books I've read so far have been excellent, but to see lots of brilliant writers speaking on panels and running workshops for a whole weekend (plus an exclusive fringe soirée) is going to be AMAZING!!!

I've been writing more - although, clearly not on here. I entered my first short story competition and was chosen as a runner-up. I later found out the most of the entrants were teenagers, which did slightly take the edge of my achievement, but never-mind... I've also started an online fiction-writing course with the Open University, which so far has been really interesting. The best thing about it? It's totally, utterly, 100% FREE! Reader, you too can sign up here if it sounds like something you're interested in. There's lots of other free courses from other universities on all manner of subjects, so have a look. Now. And then come back again!

Lastly, I've been making more. Later this year, I will become a great aunt! I know, how did I get this old? This has meant that the crochet hooks and knitting needles have been out and clicking away; the previously threatened crochet post will become a reality soon! I'm also knocking up a rather lovely pair of book bags for my friend and me to take to YALC so we can stock up on signed copies of our fave authors' works. Can you tell how excited I am about this? Only 52 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes to go. 

Ho hum.

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